As you are becoming increasingly aware, Physical gender is not always just a matter of XX or XY, girl or boy. In approximately one out of every 100 births, seemingly tiny errors occur during the various stages of fetal sex differentiation, causing a baby's body to develop abnormally. Problems in the formation of chromosomes, gonads, or external genitals can lead to a range of intersex conditions.
In order to prep for our next case study, I need you to do some background analysis about how sex is determined . The sex of an egg cell is set as soon as it is fertilized, but what happens to that cell and the cells it divides into to make a baby boy or a baby girl? Please click here to find out.
In addition, there are a variety of conditions that may lead "intersex" births. Please read about conditions on the intersex continuum. You do not need to post tonight, but you will be held responsible for the reading in a class discussion tomorrow.