*UPDATE* [FOR THOSE WHO COULDN'T UPLOAD THE VIDEO YOU CAN READ THE TRANSCRIPT] Look below the slide show. This should help you with the prompt
A recitatif is a style of music that hovers between song and speech episodes. This story is essentially Twyla's episode.
I was impressed with your discussion of stereotypes of perceived differences of the characters in Recitatif, mainly race, class, and disability in class today. While the characters and text give us clues to the differences, it is impossible to tell which character is white and which is African-American.
For tonight's homework, I would like you to spend some time thinking a bit more about personal racial identity on the "Race: The Power of an Illusion" website section called
"Me, My Race and I: What's Race got to do with it?" Please click on the slideshow menu to learn more how race plays a role in your daily life. Please watch the four "slides" Your comments in class and on the blog have been really honest thus far, please continue the hard work!
When you are finished, please answer the following in the comment section below:
So if Race affects everyone, why is it so hard to talk about? How/Why do people transcend racial categories?
As always, let me know if you have questions